
Zaniolo releases statement: “I’m at Roma’s full disposal.”

Andy Mattioli

Following the recent events that resulted in his exclusion from team activities until the end of the season, out-of-favour Roma attacker Nicolo Zaniolo released a statement to ANSA addressing the situation he finds himself in.

“Many things have been said and written about me in recent weeks and many are not true.”

“I arrived in Rome as a stranger and Roma and Romanisti welcomed me as one of them. They gave me confidence, courage and affection in the terrible and dark moments of injuries.”

“In Tirana, with that goal, I felt I had reciprocated everything I had received, helping to give an unforgettable joy to all Romanisti.”

“At 23 years old I have lived experiences that many of my colleagues do not live in an entire career: falling, getting up, falling again, getting up again, winning.”

“In the last few months I have gone through a delicate period, in which it was difficult to understand what my professional future would be. However, I have always applied myself in the field and in training with the utmost professionalism.”

“For the first time these days I was afraid, for myself and my family, and I felt abandoned. It had never happened to me and I got very scared. The future is in our hands: I stretch mine and I put myself at the complete disposal of the Roma family.”

Match Center

MatchDay 24
9 Feb 12:30