
Zazzaroni, Corriere dello Sport respond after headline backlash

John Solano

Corriere dello Sport editor Ivan Zazzaroni has responded on the newspaper’s website following the extreme backlash he has received for today’s racist front page.

“Digital platforms? I would say dustbins. Made up of noble grudges. Cheap indignation. A nice thought a day keeps the doctor away. Armies of right-minded people flock to the internet these days to turn their beautiful souls white. Having identified the racist on duty — go — two strokes on the keyboard and the stain is gone, you feel like you’re a better man in a better world. White, black, yellow,” he wrote defiantly.

”Denying the difference is the typical macroscopic stumbling block of anti-racism racism. The mental suburbs of Sunday moralists when Thursday becomes Sunday, too. ‘Black Friday’ for those who want and can understand it, was and is only the praise of difference, the pride of our differences, the magnificent wealth of our differences. If you don’t understand it, it’s because you can’t or because you do it. An innocent title, however, perfectly argued by Roberto Perrone, is transformed into poison by those who have the poison inside them”, he concluded.

It’s a shocking response from the newspaper who continue to deny the headline was racist and refuse to apologise.

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16 Feb 18:00